JULY 2000
(Source: JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE REALITIES, The Australasian Society for Psychical Research Inc, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2001)
Three separate reports came in from Balga, Morley and Cunderdin, WA, describing anything from twelve to eighty meteor-like objects with tails travelling south to north, some viewed through broken cloud. One witness described a dozen or so lights followed by another group three or four minutes later, followed by a third group. There were reports of a Russian satellite or rocket breaking up at that time, but this has not been verified due to time discrepancies. Brian Richards ASPR/UFORUM

01.07.00 ADELAIDE (VIRGINIA), SA 0230-0300hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0780)
Place: Virginia SA
Time: 02.30-03.00
Witnesses: 2
Size: Largest Star.
Colour: Blue/White/Darker Colour?
Duration: 15 Minutes aprox.
Sound: Nil.
Direction: Northwest from R.A.A.F. base Salisbury.

On the 1/7/00 Rod ( last name withheld on net) was on his verandah when he saw ,what he thought was a shooting Star, that was until it stopped, the object then shot of at high speed across the sky! it then started doing what he described as amazing maneuvers the likes he had not seen before, realizing this was not a meteor, he went inside & woke his wife, she came out & also saw it, they watched this object shoot across the sky doing sharp zigzags and turns, it also changed Colour from Blue, White, & a darker Colour, the Colour’s seemed to change as the object turned. It made no sound at all & shot across the sky in many directions. He said that it was about the size of the largest Star in the sky, Further investigation including a taped and possibly video interview will take place, after an initial report form is sent out. Laurie Pearce PRISM

02.07.00 BRISBANE (WYNNUM), QLD 1936hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0777)
Time: 5.25 pm
Shape: Star like
Size: ?
Objects: 1
Colour: orange
Sound: None
Speed: slow
Duration: 3 Minute
Direction: Traveling South easterly out over Fisherman Island
Witnesses: 3 Gordon wife Jane and Alan.

Gordon said It was an orange ball of light some what like a flare. This object moved quite slowly in the direction of the Airport, it was around 5000 feet we think. I did call the Brisbane control tower and they said they had nothing unusual on radar.....only general traffic. Gordon and his wife are quite adamant it was not a plane or an Helicopter.

Gordon did say he ahd contacted UFORQ they said they would send a report form out. Diane Harrison AUFORN

06.07.00 GOLD COAST, QLD 2145hrs (Identified as Dunlop Balloon)
Identified the Dunlop Ballon (9.30pm) over Sufers Paradise. Diane Harrison AUFORN

07.07.00 CAPE YORK PENINSULA, QLD 2335hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0781)
Day: Friday 7th July
Time: 11.35pm
Shape: Round
Size: small ball
Objects: 2
Colour: silver orange with red sparks
Sound: none
Duration: 5 minutes
Direction: Heading East
Witnesses: 3

Witness said two of his girl friends saw two orange silver balls traveling across the sky at high speed ... what was strange about them...they stayed in complete formation one behind the other. The object made no noise but they left a very unusual contrail which was arced shape.. nothing like what a plane.

The witness said he called the Cairns police... they didn’t having any other reports of the object on record. Diane Harrison AUFORN

(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0793)
Tahlie and her mother we returning home to Venus Bay travelling along the South Gippsland Hwy between Wonthaggi and Inverloch at about 9pm on Monday 10 July 2000 when they saw an unusual light up ahead. It appeared as a bright start does when seen through trees. However there were no trees in the particular area. As they watched this light it approached them at an alarming speed. In about one second it came from about one half of one kilometre ahead and passed right next to their car and disappeared behind them into the distance. It was not very high when it passed them because Mrs. C could clearly see spark trails just outside her drivers side window. There was no sound. It moved so rapidly that they could not gauge its size.

They were both left with the impression that they had seen something odd. Then Tahlie decided to report it. George Simpson AUFORN VIC

15.07.00 MELBOURNE (MOOROOLBARK), VIC 2300hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0802)
On Saturday night 15th July at about 11pm DW saw 3 amber lights flying overhead at very high altitude in a line towards the S.W. These lights were widely spaced and evenly spaced apart. The witness often sees many aircraft in the area where she lives which is Mooroolbark, a South Eastern suburb in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges. These lights were eerie because they were "silent" and they followed each other while being spaced. The witness wishes to remain anonymous. George Simpson AUFORN VIC

After seeing this message and the post about the hoaxes in Darwin, I thought I would just leave a post to let people know that I live in Mooroolbark and unfortunately it seems to be under the flight path of quite a few orange garbage bag hoaxes. Had one land near my mums place just up the road from me a while back after the fire burnt out. Chris Daley. E-mail: jindivik@bigpond.com

16.07.00 MELBOURNE (SANDRIGHAM), VIC bet. 0515-0530hrs (DO)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0801)
Observer named Barry lives in Sandrigham, Melbourne and over looks port Philip Bay on Sunday 16th July at 5.10am. He saw a long "red line" in the sky. It was fairly high up and appeared to be a red-orange colour, probably several kilometers long, and perfectly straight as if drawn using a ruler. He went inside to get his wife to come out and see it also, but it had disappeared. George Simpson AUFORN VIC

16.07.00 DAVENPORT, TAS 2011hrs (Identified as a Balloon)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0809)
The UFO was actualy seen on sunday evening on the 16th. Our investigator Keith Robert’s concluded that it was a Garbage Bag Balloon hoax. Similar event occoured on the same night in Launceston. We get a lot of these Garbage bag things up in Launceston/Devonport area. Keith Roberts TUFOIC

16.07.00 MELBOURNE (MILL PARK), VIC ca.2156hrs
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0803)
This sighting occurred during the Lunar Eclipse of July 16 2000. Firstly, a flashing light came over a group of people who were outside waiting to observe the eclipse. This Light was unusual because it was silent and it stopped, and then shot off at high speed. Secondly, two flashing lights came over and did the same thing, stopped, and then took off.

Thirdly, another flashing light came over, this one resembling a fireball, stopped and then changed colour from red to green and blue and produced or ‘poured out’ a very intensely bright light which was followed by an intense explosion.

The whole street saw it, according to CC. After the explosion the object flew off at about a 45 degree angle and disappeared. The local police were contacted, soon afterwards the ‘Mill Park’ police said a ‘car’ ‘blew up’’ in the area.

This was not a rational explanation as no exploded cars were reported in the area. Another witness about 2km away also saw the light stop, and saw the sudden very bright light and heard the explosion. Needless to say the eclipse fell into insignificance in the minds of those witnesses who later had difficulty getting to sleep with the events of the evening staying in their minds. George Simpson AUFORN VIC

29.07.00 BRISBANE (NORMAN PARK), QLD 2045hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code: 0823)
At 8.45pm Saturday 29th August, Delia was on the phone to her friend. Delia lives at Norman Park, Brisbane. As she was talking on the phone she looked out of the window and saw a red fire ball travelling across the sky in a north/west direction. She said it was very low in the sky, about the height of an aircraft, but travelling at a slower speed than an aircraft. It flew over the next door neighbours house. She told her friend who was on the other end of the phone line and who lives in Cannon Hill, Brisbane. Her friend went outside and could see the object also, but at a distance. Delia said she watched it for about 5 minutes until it slowly became out of sight. It made no sound. Jan Stone AUFORN QLD

30.07.00 KALAMUNDA, WA 0415–0430hrs (NL)
(Source: JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE REALITIES, The Australasian Society for Psychical Research Inc, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2001)
The witness, Lorrissa, was looking north-east when a light, flashing many different colours, approached from the north-north-east at tree-top height. A second object, very much darker, approached the first light and dropped towards the ground. A third light approached the first and looped-the-loop before disappearing from view. The aerobatic display lasted about fifteen minutes before the lights faded out. Brian Richards ASPR/UFORUM

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